Thursday, August 7, 2008

Our Baby is on a roll!

We have had a crazy week at the Mitchell house! Matt has been gone, we survived TS Eduoard (what a waste of time!!...I had pulled all of the plants off of the patio, along with the furniture, and removed stuff from the front of the house too - I'm lucky my plants didn't burn up in the garage!), and the boys have been going to Vacation Bible School. Cade opted out of Bible School on Monday. He FREAKED when I tried to leave him there. We came home and I just didn't really play with him and kept telling him what he was missing out on. We went back and checked on his VBS class when I picked up Carson and he was hacked off that he missed out. Carson telling him how much fun it was didn't help! So, it was cancelled on Tuesday because of the MIGHTY STORM, but he has gone to VBS Wed. and Thursday and totally loved it! I think that he's even having more fun than Carson! He actually asked me to go put him down for a nap in the middle of his lunch today.
In other news, Cannon started rolling from his back to his belly on Monday! He's full on mobile. If you set him down, he rolls off and he is not where you left him if you walk away! Time to pack up the legos, hot wheels, and all the other tiny toys floating around here that the other boys seem to want to leave out all of the time. Cannon is also sitting really well, unassisted! Here is a picture of him sitting pretty! Good thing that he's getting that mastered because he has about out grown the bucket carseat.

Cade has developed a CRAZY fear of thunderstorms. He watches for clouds and is constantly concerned about if it is going to rain or thunder. He just melts down if he (or any of us!) is outside and it's about to rain. Anyway, it thundered during his nap yesterday and he high tailed it downstairs. He was sweet to Cannon though, who was busy rolling around my bedroom and drooling (I think he's cutting two bottom teeth).Carson decided it would be funny to put Cannon in the cowboy hat while I was cooking dinner last night. Doesn't he look like his daddy with GBS out at the rodeo with that expression on his face?I also let the boys make cupcakes yesterday (Can you tell it's raining and we are STIR crazy??). They were actually pretty neat about making them, but eating them, it was another story. I don't know what possessed them to do this. That was not fun to clean up. It was so bad that Cade sneezed and chocolate came out of his nose.Also - notice Carson's VBS shirt. He LOVES it. I had to wash it so that he can wear it again tomorrow after he got chocolate on it. He was mad because he couldn't sleep in it last night.

We're all ready for Daddy to come home tomorrow! Also, Cade is fired up about his birthday party tomorrow night!! It's a big weekend for our little man!

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