Sunday, August 10, 2008

Cade's 3rd Birthday Party

We had Cade's third birthday party on Friday night at Noah's Ark Pool. He had a great time!! He is so excited about being "almost 3". He even asked to go sleep back upstairs after getting up to pee at 5 am on Friday - "because I'm almost 3". Let's hope that it works!! Maybe this will be the magic trick that gets him to stay upstairs all night long. We'll see! In other news, I cut my hair super short. Here is a picture of Mommy, Daddy and the Birthday Boy. Cannon has been a trooper all weekend! He didn't have much of a nap on Friday at all and it was super hot outside at the party. He snoozed a little and then was all smiles. He also made it through another pool party yesterday and stayed up pretty late last night too. I can't believe how laid back he is...most of the time.

Cade totally enjoyed the bright blue cupcakes!

Here are all of the kids on the top of the waterslide.

Tomorrow is his real birthday and we have all sorts of fun things planned for him. Carson and I went out alone this morning to find him the perfect present. He's been so sweet to Cade all weekend in honor of the big birthday. He has even let Cade pick his favorite song in the car, over and over, without protesting about it. That's huge!! Carson also wanted to go out to breakfast with just me this am to get his favorite - the chocolate chip pancake from IHOP. So we did it. It was so nice to spend one on one time with him. He's so grown up these days!!

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