Thursday, August 28, 2008

Crazy boys!

Well, we have almost made it through our first week of school and back to work. I must admit, the boys have done awesome. I, on the other hand, have had my moments! I was not expecting to have a meltdown when leaving Cannon. He's my third baby! I should be over this by now, but I clearly am not!! I was fighting back the tears when I was leaving with Carson and Cade on Tuesday am (my first day back at the office) and Carson said, "Mom! You aren't going to cry at my school, are you? That would be so bad!". Great! He's four and I already embarrass him!! He's got a lifetime to get used to that! Anyway, the boys are having a blast and can't wait to tell me about their day when I pick them up. They fight over who gets to talk the entire way home. Carson is so impressed with this little girl in his class that can actually whistle! That is just HUGE to a four year old. So, guess what we've been practicing for the last hour and a half?? Cade, well, he's Cade and I am just so proud of my little man. He hasn't shed a tear at school all week and Mrs. King says that he's being so good. Shocking. He's saving it all up for the afternoons when he gets home...that hasn't been so fun. Cannon is getting more love that he knows what to do with! Ms. Nilza dotes all over him and sings to him in Portuguese, gives him longs baths and takes him on strolls. He's in heaven! In fact, he's going to be spoiled rotten!

This is so strange to me, but the boys, especially Carson, have a new found love for salad. All kinds of Salad. We were at Don Pico's on Friday night with Katy and Ridge and Carson insisted on ordering a salad. After a couple of those lethal margaritas, I said, what the heck...order it. He did and he ate every last bite of it! We had salad for dinner on Monday night and tonight, I picked up chick fil a for dinner and guess who's salad he polished off (after he ate his own dinner). I'm not complaining! I'm all for him eating his veggies, I just think that it's weird. The only veggie that I ate until college was ketchup. I plan to save this picture and use it to prove to them in a few years that they do indeed like salad.

One big benefit to having Nilza here in the afternoons has been letting the boys play out on the driveway and on the sidewalk. She watches the big boys while Cannon and I prep dinner. They have managed to run down the batteries on all of the ride on toys. Cade has even learned to some what steer his McQueen car. Maybe there is hope for him yet?Carson loves pushing his baby brother around in the stroller. So what if he can't see where he's going. Here is Cannon looking like a total mess in the playroom this evening. He is drooling like crazy, covered in carrots and super tired. He loves to watch his brothers play though.

And he really LOVES to splash in the bathtub.

When Katy was here last weekend, she got all three of the big boys matching jammies. I would have loved to have gotten a picture of all three of them, but it was just too chaotic to coordinate that at the time. Next time we get them all together, we'll do it! Here are Carson and Cade though, looking ever so cute. Thanks, Aunt Katy!! Love you!!

I am looking forward to long weekend full of QT with all four of my boys!

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