Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lots of excitement!

I guess that I will start this one off with a picture of the boys with their BFF, Ryan. He came by for a visit the other day and the boys just LOVE playing with him. They rarely fight, like to do the same things and even have the "pack" a fault. Some poor girl at Chick-Fil-A was on the receiving end of that (okay, she was a brat, so I didn't feel TOO sorry for her...). They wouldn't let her go down the slide or anywhere near it. We did get onto the boys and remedy the situation, but she had it comin' to her!

Cade and Cannon were both REALLY sick last week. Cade was having a major upper respiratory infection and scared the hell out of me. We almost took him to the ER, but luckily, Dr. Wilber had sent me packing with some emergency meds, and was I ever thankful for those. We tested out the new pediatrician up here the next day. Cannon had the same mess (was probably RSV she said, GREAT.). Anyway, both boys were getting breathing treatments on the nebulizer at the doctors office at the same time. It just doesn't get any better than that! Poor Cannon had a double ear infection as well (and I had NO idea...I'm usually a pro at diagnosing those too, but he is a trooper and never let on that he had one). I took Cannon back today and he still has a slight infection in one ear. Nice. Other than that, we are all on the mend!

Cade has been self medicating with LOTS of oatmeal. He starts the day off with a bowl or two and normally has another bowl at some point. Whatever keeps him happy and eating! It could be a lot worse (like Cannon...).

Some nice checker lady at Kroger gave Cade these stickers when we were checking out today. Note, she was NOT the same checker in which Carson and Cade got into a loud debate over whether she was a "BOY OR A GIRL, Mommy? IS that Girl a BOY???". OMG. I wanted to die. When you look at this next picture, it is hard to imagine him being a little monster, but trust me, he is.Carson is just growing up WAY too fast! He is officially signed up for t-ball up here on the North side and we are hoping it goes as well as it did back in Pearland.

Here he is riding on his scooter...he loves to go down this driveway to pick up speed and the cruise down into the cul de sac.And, as promised, some pictures of him on his BIG BOY bike, cruising around the cul de sac. Carson has some EXCITING news! He's going to be a BIG part of Aunt Jen and Uncle Scott's wedding! I don't know who is more excited, me or him? His first ring bearer job! Tonight, when I was putting him to bed, he asked if he would be singing? How cute is that? No, fortunately, he won't be singing (he would never do that in front of crowd, anyway...). I told him he just has to stand there and look handsome...he'll have that mastered!

And on to Cannon. Okay, where is my BABY?? He's quickly turning into a toddler...a very busy, wild toddler. He is standing up without holding on to things and actually has taken a step here and there. He just turned 10 months old and he has NO business walking yet. He will do ANYTHING to get a laugh out of Carson and Cade. Unfortunately, the worse he is, the harder they laugh and you can just imagine where that leads. Bathtime has turned into a three ring circus. He is B.A.D. in there. He won't sit, he splashes more than the others ever have and at 10 mos old, thinks it is funny to fall back and put his head under the water. I'm afraid that I've got my hands full here. He wants nothing to do with baby fact, we packed it all up today and gave it one of our good friends. He shakes his head and says, "No, no, no!" if you come at him with a spoon. He has to feed himself. He prefers cookies and yogurt melts (or as Matt and I call them, "baby crack"). Tonight, when I was trying to download pictures, he emptied out a cabinet on our built in desk upstairs and crawled on in there. He was so proud of himself!

Really, this is just flying by! I can't believe that it is time to plan his 1st Birthday Party! I haven't done anything because I think that I am totally in denial! SNIFF.

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Year, New School

Well, we rang in 2009 at home, like we always do! We just like to be here, safe and sound, with the kiddos on that night. You know, New Years Eve is for amateurs....we like to save our big nights out for those times when the crazies aren't there with us! The Louks came up and spent the night, so that was fun for all of us. Carson made it until midnight...watching the "party" on TV. I was falling asleep and finally gave up at 12 and made him go down too. He's a party animal! Apparently, our new neighbors all like fireworks. Yippee. I hate them, but the boys loved them (all them...Doug and Matt included!).
I didn't get hardly any pictures, but here is one with Cade and cupcake all over his face. He had
a good time!
The next morning, the boys found a mess outside to get into. This was fun to clean off of them!
We squeezed in one more super quick visit with Koen before they had to fly back to Germany. One more attempt at the card luck, really.And some of all of the cousins. These are just comical to me.

Cannon and Koen, doing what else? Snacking! Fatties.

In other news, the boys started at their new preschool and LOVE it! Carson is going 5 days a week and Cade is going 3 days. Their school days are only 9 - 2 on Mon - Thur and 9 - 12 on Friday. I'm sure that is going to get really challenging as my work picks up this spring! Anyway, all is good for now.

Here is Carson modeling the first day. Notice, no dress code!! Good times, kind of! I'm glad that they can wear whatever, but the dress code sure was easy.

And a back view of his cool backpack (can use whatever bag now too!! Whoo hoo!!). Thanks Blanchard family for the cool backpacks!Cade seeing Carson off on his first day of school (he started the following day). I am totally regretting not putting him in 5 days a week. He's a terror here for Nilza.Cade going to school today. On Friday, they have "ooey gooey Fridays" They said to put them in old clothes because they will be dirty. Sure enough, he came home with paint all over him. I was warned!

Back view on him!

More fun in the tub! I just bathe them assembly line style these days. I line up all the pj's, put them in the tub, take them out and dress them one by one. It works pretty well, most days!Sometimes, I have a naked baby take off! Cannon LOVES to look down from the top of the stairs!Here is one of Cannon eating lunch today. This kid is not even 10 months old and has sworn off baby food. Not good, since he only has 4 (and a half, I guess) teeth. I'm all for self feeding, and I agree that the baby food is NASTY, but he only wants to eat cookies and yogurt. He totally turns his nose up at all protein, fruits and veggies, and most pasta. I'm not sure how this is going to turn out! We're in a bit of a mexican stand off at the moment. I'm holding out on snacks, other than at restaurants and when I'm desperate to bribe him to stay in a highchair.I guess that I knew this was coming with him. He has just been way too easy from the get go and I've been waiting for him to turn into a little toot! I was just hoping to make it another 9 months or so before that happened!


Oh my, it has been a while since I have posted and boy do I have a lot to catch up on. We've been a little busy.....moving, Christmas, family in town, to name a few things!

We survived the move, barely. OMG. That was awful. I would really be fine if we NEVER have to do that again. We moved into the new house at about 8:00PM on the 22nd. We had new hardwood floors going in on the 23rd and 24th and then the big day on the 25th. Matt and I were seriously exhausted by the time that Christmas came. Really, I love it! It is my favorite holiday and if you have ever been to my house around mid know what I mean. This is the first year that I can ever recall being glad that it was over. Sad, very sad, but I promise to do it up big time next year! Just wait!

My sister Jill, brother in law Ryan and my adorable nephew Koen were all here for the holidays! It was wonderful to see them, but it went way too fast!! At least we were able to get a few pics of the boys together. Koen is 7 weeks younger than Cannon, but you sure can't tell it from the pictures! That little chunk isn't missing a meal! Here the cousins are, after my Dad's on Christmas Eve...taking a stroll.

Taking a bath...We have a tradition of opening one gift on Christmas Eve. We always did this growing up and Matt and I have continued it for the boys...we all get new Jammies. Well, I didn't have time for it this year, so luckily my mom took care of that (along with decorating our tree, wrapping all the presents, with Poppy's help, and about a million other things to help me prepare for Christmas in a pinch). Anyway, here is Cannon in his new jammies, posing with Koen. He was pooped and in no mood to sit by the tree and take pics for me.Carson and Cade "loving" on each other in their new jammies.Santa did indeed find us at our new address! The boys were all spoiled rotten, as usual. They must have been super good this year, for all of the loot that they got! Both big boys got new bikes. Here is Cade on his, I'll have to post one of Carson's big kid bike later (he looks about 12 on it and loves riding on the "hills" we have in our new neighborhood).And, they got iPods too, and iDogs and about a million other small things.Opening madness on Christmas morning...Cade did most of the opening for everyone, and for whatever reason, Carson was totally fine with that! Cannon was just happy, as usual.I have tried on three different occasions to get a cute pic of all three boys smiling for our "we moved" cards since I didn't get Christmas cards out this year. Well, this as good as it got!Most of the pictures look like this (notice Cannon eating a rock, nice.)With any luck, we'll get a picture out with our new info by Valentine's day! I think that I have missed the "Happy New Year" window at this point!