Friday, April 24, 2009

Cannon's Ear Tubes and other fun

Sweet baby Cannon had to get ear tubes last Friday. He did great! We had a couple of pics of him before his surgery, but they are on Matt's camera which is never at the house for me to download. So, here is one of him on the way home, taking a power nap. Isn't that the sweetest?

I don't know if it is because of the tubes, or he's just at that age, but his language is exploding! He says both Carson and Cade, but likes to call both boys Cade (and he yells it all of the time!). He says, "High Five" and gives us one quite often. He says Nilza, bye-bye, all done and his favorite word is still "no".
He is finally getting a little bit of hair on his head! It is blonde and super fine...I'm curious if it will be more like Carson's or Cade' s. So far, it looks more like Cade's texture, but we'll see.He loves balls! Baseballs, soccer balls, doesn't matter. Matt got the older boys a nerf basketball net and he is always throwing balls towards it now. OH, and he has figured out how to open the back door! I was thrilled about that one. Look at his blue eyes here...Carson is still keeping busy with t-ball. The games were rained out last weekend because of the lovely weather, but we are back it at this weekend.
And here is a picture of all three boys before the big boys had school pics done last week.And lastly, I'm not sure why they like to put things over their heads and walk around, but they all three do it! They must have inherited this trait from their father.

We have a busy weekend ahead of us with birthday parties, Matt's birthday and t-ball!

Easter Fun

So, I'm a tad bit behind on updating this! We had a great Easter weekend with the three boys!! We did the egg dye, as usual. They were pretty into it this year!

They got lots of loot, as usual!

This was officially Cannon's second Easter, but kind of his first since he was only one week old last Easter. He is officially in the game this year!!
His face says, "What candy? I didn't eat any!".
We went over to Mom and Larry's for lunch and the big egg hunt. They have way more room for egg hunts than we do! Cannon was into hunting eggs this year too! Much to the big boys dismay...we had hunts for a week leading up to Easter here at the house and he'd follow them around and steal the eggs from their baskets.
I wasn't very good about getting pics of them hunting. Here's a rear view of Cade with his shirt jacked up.

Carson hunting eggs.

And the big hit of the day, confetti eggs! Next year, I am buying about 10 dozen of those and nothing else! We'll do it at my mom's of course...I don't need that mess! ;-)

Confetting eggs...also good for batting!We hope that everyone had a happy and blessed Easter!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Strawberry Picking

Since all of the kiddos were out of school today, Angie and I loaded them all into my suburban and took them over to Kings Orchard to check out the strawberry picking. It was fun! It really wasn't very far from us at all either, so we'll be heading back for sure. Blackberries will be ready next month!
Even Cannon got in on the fun. He loved to try to crawl over the rows.

Cade was really into it! He really looked at the berries and found good red ones. Unfortunately, he felt sorry for the "baby ones" and kept picking the little ones.

He came out with some good loot though!

They had a rule about not eating the berries until after you had paid. Clearly Cannon didn't follow that one!

He kept saying, "MMmmmmm" while he was eating them.

Carson and Avery kind of went off on their own and did pretty good too!

Carson with his berries.

Carson was so sweet with Arden and helped her out.

Cade managed to hitch a ride back from the field with the strawberries. We had a great time! I love outings like this!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Stupid birds!

Really? Our backyard? This was the best place that these stupid birds could find in all of The Woodlands to lay their eggs? It's totally not safe for them here! The three boys and I ate dinner out on the patio this evening and the boys were playing around after we were done. Carson came running over to me saying, "There is something really creepy in there with eyes and a creepy mouth!!". After the snake on Sunday, I was a tad bit nervous. After careful investigation, I can tell that there are at least three baby birds in this little fake bird house. I wasn't touching it or getting any closer for fear of the mom and daddy bird who were buzzing over head.
Here is the birdhouse, which isn't even really meant for birds. It was some old decoration that I have had for years and decided it was better suited for outside.

If you look really closely, you can see one of the mouths here.And two mouths here (again...I wasn't getting any closer for fear of retaliation).And some FINE looking bird watchers. I can't even believe that I'm posting this picture of them. They are sans clothing because they decided to blow water on each other through the straws in their water cups that they had with dinner. I wouldn't let them change again since it would have been about the 3rd set of clothes for the day.It was an eventful day here. We've had about 15 or 20 egg hunts...inside, outside, upstairs, name it! Even the potty! YES. The older two were putting plastic eggs in the half bath potty before leaving for school today. Good times. I heard Cade saying, "Awww...Sh!t" out on the patio while I was cooking dinner. Nice. No apparent reason, just saying it make himself laugh.

In serious news, I took Cannon to the ENT this morning (we were there for over 2 hours!) and he is going to have to get tubes in his ears. He has had fluid since January and it isn't going away. He doesn't have an infection now, but they aren't clear either and our doctor doesn't believe it will clear up with antibiotics. SO, we'll be doing the surgery on April 17th. We've been through this twice with Cade, so I'm not quite as freaked out, but it makes me nervous still. Poor baby!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bluebonnets, SNAKE and the Easter Bunny

First things first, I took the boys to the bluebonnet patch up here in The Woodlands last weekend, luckily we didn't find any snakes there! The boys were typical boys while I was trying to get their pictures...running around, and not cooperating.

This is the best picture that I got of the three of them. Did I mention that the bluebonnets appeared to be past their prime?

I tried to get some of them individually. Cade making his silly face...
Cannon was only a couple of weeks old last year when we did this...hard to believe that he could just walk through them this year!

Sweet Cannon!

Carson would have rather spent his time taking pictures of us than smiling for me, as seen in this expression.

He also didn't listen to my threats about not sliding in the grass in his linen pants. I go through a lot of oxy clean!! Every pair of pants that he owns too is ripped out in the left knee from him sliding in them. I refuse to buy's almost summer!! He just looks like white trash when he wears them for now.

Carson kept pestering me about taking pictures to I let him, and he actually got us centered in this! I was shocked when I went to download and there were actually pictures of me in there!! Had I known, I might have spent more time trying to get Cannon to look at the camera.

A few of my favorites! This one of Cade and Cannon is so sweet!! I hardly ever have pictures of those two because they are normally the least cooperative.And this one of Cannon griping and the other two wrestling in the background.In other news, we got the ride on cars out of storage...FINALLY. Carson has really gotten too heavy for the little cars and they won't go very fast with him anymore.

He's been really good at driving Cannon around in the gator.

OKAY - I hate snakes!! We were going on a family walk this am and came across this! It was dead, thank GOD. Some other people had stretched it out on this for everyone to see. Then, they were all kind enough to tell me how many they had found in their yards for the last week and such. YIKES. I'm a little freaked by all of the critters up here!! My boys are always digging in the flower beds and such and I'm terrified they will come across one of these.Lastly, we visited the Easter Bunny today! Aren't they just too stinkin' cute? All of them? They were so good, even after waiting in a long line.

Have a great week!!