Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Stupid birds!

Really? Our backyard? This was the best place that these stupid birds could find in all of The Woodlands to lay their eggs? It's totally not safe for them here! The three boys and I ate dinner out on the patio this evening and the boys were playing around after we were done. Carson came running over to me saying, "There is something really creepy in there with eyes and a creepy mouth!!". After the snake on Sunday, I was a tad bit nervous. After careful investigation, I can tell that there are at least three baby birds in this little fake bird house. I wasn't touching it or getting any closer for fear of the mom and daddy bird who were buzzing over head.
Here is the birdhouse, which isn't even really meant for birds. It was some old decoration that I have had for years and decided it was better suited for outside.

If you look really closely, you can see one of the mouths here.And two mouths here (again...I wasn't getting any closer for fear of retaliation).And some FINE looking bird watchers. I can't even believe that I'm posting this picture of them. They are sans clothing because they decided to blow water on each other through the straws in their water cups that they had with dinner. I wouldn't let them change again since it would have been about the 3rd set of clothes for the day.It was an eventful day here. We've had about 15 or 20 egg hunts...inside, outside, upstairs, downstairs....you name it! Even the potty! YES. The older two were putting plastic eggs in the half bath potty before leaving for school today. Good times. I heard Cade saying, "Awww...Sh!t" out on the patio while I was cooking dinner. Nice. No apparent reason, just saying it make himself laugh.

In serious news, I took Cannon to the ENT this morning (we were there for over 2 hours!) and he is going to have to get tubes in his ears. He has had fluid since January and it isn't going away. He doesn't have an infection now, but they aren't clear either and our doctor doesn't believe it will clear up with antibiotics. SO, we'll be doing the surgery on April 17th. We've been through this twice with Cade, so I'm not quite as freaked out, but it makes me nervous still. Poor baby!

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