Friday, August 1, 2008

Gophers and Shopping

We made a quick visit up to my Mom's on Wednesday. They have these piles of dust everywhere that the neighbor says are from Gophers or Moles. I wouldn't know....we surely don't have those in Pearland! Anyway, you can see in this picture what the boys like to do about the mounds of dirt.
Poppy took the boys for a walk down the street and they found a dead snake. That was probably the highlight of the entire trip. Cade got tired and thirsty and Poppy had to give him a lift back to the house.

Last night, I gave Cannon a bath and then went to put on his lullaby CD, but the boys had switched it to something else during the day. They both went running into the nursery and broke into their terrible white boy dance. It needs video to do that justice! However, I don't know how to work my video camera, much less how to upload clips. Maybe another time!Here is chunky Cannon in the tub last night.And a picture of me & Cannon. Katy - this is what I tried to send to your phone last night.....this shirt is a 9 mos and it is too tight on him.

Today, they were being TERRIBLE at home, so we had to get out of here. We went up to the new Pearland Town Center, which by the way is super, super nice. You don't even know that you are in Pearland! They were being really good, probably because they were near having a heat stroke. HOLY HELL it is hot out there! Pushing around 95 lbs of kid in the stroller in 100 degree weather was more fun that I was up for! In big news though, Cannon actually rode in his carseat and not the Baby Bjorn. Maybe there is hope for him yet! The boys all loved the Learning Express store and Cade picked out about 20 things that he wants for his birthday!

In other news, I am beginning to face the music that our house isn't going to sell before school starts. I am so bummed that we won't be up in The Woodlands for the boys to start at their new school. However, I called Eagle Heights today and they have a spot for them. It's a great school, so we can't go wrong there. Speaking of school, that definitely paid off for Carson. He must be starting to read a little bit. He turned Thomas on for Cade this am from the DVR. There are about 20 things recorded, so he must have recognized "Thomas" to select that one....there are no pictures on there. I about fell over!

1 comment:

GermanyJill said...

Your hair looks great! I wish I had the desire to curl mine :D. How long did that last you in the Houston weather!! xo-jill