Friday, March 12, 2010

Kindergarten Rodeo

Deretchin has a Kindergarten Rodeo each year and it was pretty cute!  Carson got decked out in his cowboy gear.  He is one handsome cowboy!

They brought home a note saying that they would need a stick horse and they encouraged them to make their own.  Well, I googled it, and Larry found a pretty good one online for us.  Carson and I loaded up, went to the Dollar General to look for some supplies, and guess what we found?  A perfectly good stick horse for $4.99!  AND, it made galloping noises!  Carson wasn't into making one and quite honestly, I didn't want to do it either.  SO, we brought this guy home.  He worked out perfectly!

The kids all paraded out of the school witlh their stick horses and then had all sorts of activities.  I had the little guys with me, and it was past nap time, so I was struggling to get good pictures and keep up with those two!  I got there just in time for the chuck wagon races.  Carson was clearly in the lead here!

Serious competition!
And coming up on the finish line!
A class picture with his teacher, Mrs. Swackhamer.  Love her!
Then they had stick horse races.
They lasso'd a rocking horse with a hula hoop.
The last stop was getting to pet a real horse.  However, Cannon was falling apart, so we had to duck out of there.  The other moms were helping me with him, but he was getting to be too much!  All in all, a fun afternoon though.  I love that Carson goes to such a great school and has such a great teacher!!  We have lucked out this year with the friends in his class as well.  It has been a great first year in the public school system.

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