Friday, July 10, 2009

The Woodlands Children's Museum

HA! I finally updated this blog and I am SO PROUD of myself for figuring out how to do it! Special thanks to Amanda!! ;-)

We met Jill, Ryan and Koen at The Children's Museum in The Woodlands this morning. The boys had a great time! It isn't very big, but it had A/C and lots of space for them to run around, so it was a winner in my book.

Check out Cannon's faux-hawk! SO FUNNY!! Carson and I thought that it would be a good idea to gel his hair up today, and he looked pretty stinkin' cute if I do say so myself. This 'do fits his spunky little personality!

Koen and Cannon checking it all out...probably scoping out a big kid to go beat on or steal their shovel!

My little firefighters! Aunt Jill dressed them up and they very much enjoyed these costumes.
An attempt at a picture of all 4. Maybe we will get one before they have to go home to Germany? Maybe??

1 comment:

Keri DeBorde said...

You all are just TOO cute! Love looking at your blog.