Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Our new pets

So, we've got some new pets here at the Mitchell house. As for how, they came about...that's a good story. Poor Cade got yet another staph infection a couple of weeks ago. I noticed on a Tuesday that he had a spot that wasn't looking so great on the back of his leg. I watched it like crazy for the next couple of days and it just wasn't getting better and was pretty sure that it was staph. SO, on Thursday, I took him to the doctor and she concurred with me. They had to get a large needle and poke it and drain it. You can imagine how well that went over. AWFUL. The doctor asked me if we wanted to go straight to Texas Children's or try to do it there, I opted to torture him there. They sent it off for a sample, and sure enough, it was the MRSA staph. Luckily, we caught it very early and he started a strong round of antibiotics and was fine after a few days. THANK GOD! I am so terrified of that mess.
Anyway - some photos of the staph (sorry if you are easily grossed out!). At the pediatrician's office:

Day 2:Day 3:At this point, I was feeling pretty bad for the little guy. He was pretty much stuck swimming or anything like that. SO, I took him to Learning Express to buy him a new toy....we came home with these - FROGSIt's a pretty smart idea...they have their own little eco system in there. You have to feed them once or twice a week (kind of confused on that part...we are doing twice, just to be safe...) and change their water every 5 or 6 months. Not so bad! They have been named, "Mr. Froggie Froggie" and "Mr. Boing Boing". There is also a snail in there (which I am pretty sure is now dead) that they were calling Snowcone. Good times!

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