Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Odds and Ends

I have just some odds and ends of pictures over the last couple of weeks that don't really fit under any general description, so here it goes!

In addition to our new pet frogs, we're also finding tons outside. It turns out that they really like the waterslide when we have that out, as well as hiding out by the trees outside. The boys pretty much torture them. I end up feeling bad for the frogs and make them let them go!

Cannon thinks that they are a riot!

Jill, Ryan and Koen are all in town, and that has been so much fun! Koen is HUGE and just as cute as he can be! Cannon is thrilled to have somebody to pick on (though Koen is way bigger than him...but Cannon can out run him!). Here, Koen is enjoying his first popsicle ever and Cannon swiped it from him. That didn't go over very well! We were about to give them a bath, hense the diapers and no clothes.

Carson has been very sweet to him. He just pretty much dotes on him and treats him like he does Cannon...even picking him up and lugging him around. Koen is quite the trooper!Surely more pictures to follow of the boys together, but I haven't had time to get any more. It's always chaos and I'm too busy keeping up with kids to take pics.

Carson was jumping off of the playset here. Okay, not the safest, but it's a cool picture.

Whatever Carson does, Cade has to try.Carson found these great sunglasses at HEB for $1 and he feels like a rockstar in them...especially when rocking out to his iPod.And lastly, Ryan came up for a visit! We love it when he comes....the boys all play so well together and it makes for a good time for the parents. There is never any bickering or arguing. HEAVEN.With any luck, I will get the last of my pictures posted tomorrow and I'm wanting to update this blog look too. If you have any easy suggestions on how to do that, please let me know! All of my friends seem to have these fancy looking blogs and I'm still using the original template. I do good to keep up with the posts as it is!

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