Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Special Tooth

This is so weird and crazy, that it deserves it own post.  Back around the end of January, we were watching football playoff games and Carson was laying in my lap.  I happened to notice a tooth poking through in the top of his mouth, right behind his two front baby teeth.  I freaked!!  I was so afraid that it was one of his permanent teeth coming in at the wrong spot, before the others even fell out.  Needless to say, we were at the dentist's office the next day.  I said that I freaked, right?  He has the straightest, most perfect baby teeth!  I KNOW that it is vain, but I was worried that they were going to have to start pulling!!  Ahhh, alas, after many x-rays, we discovered that it was just an extra tooth.  Not a baby tooth, not a permanent tooth, but a very special extra tooth!  Dr. Comeaux suggested that we let it come down a little bit more to make it easier to extract.  Well, come June, it was down enough for me!  It was in danger of sticking out past the baby teeth, so it was time for it go!  Not to mention, it was sharp!!
Carson was SUCH a trooper that day.  We went in, he got a couple of shots to numb it up and he even passed on the laughing gas.  Who does that???  Anyway, he is a tough kid.  Much tougher than me...I was feeling like I might faint.

And here is the famous tooth.  It looks like a shark tooth!!  HUGE.

Dr. Comeaux sent us home with the tooth, in this awesome case that doubles as a ring!  He wore this tooth all day, and showed EVERYONE.  At one point, it fell out in the suburban.  Matt and I were tearing it apart trying to find it.  Matt finally did.  Carson was on the verge of a major meltdown!!

The big boy, recovering nicely!  We took it easy for a couple of days and he got to eat a lot of ice cream, pudding and jello.  He was back to eating like a line backer in no time!

Maybe it was justified.  Dr. Comeaux emailed the tooth fairy and told her about it and also was kind enough to ask her to leave extra $$ for it!  Ha!  Carson wrote the tooth fairy a letter asking her if he could keep the tooth.  Here is the letter ( I can't figure out how to put a PDF on here, so I just took a picture of it):
That ice cream cone looking thing at the bottom is his drawing of the tooth.  Ha!  Well, it worked, the tooth fairy left him $14 and the tooth.  He was a happy camper!!

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