Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!

We do Christmas up right here at the Mitchell house! We start early and we go ALL out!! We got a new 12 foot tree this year and I LOVE IT!! Matt, aka Clark Griswald, did the outside and I just realized that I don't have a picture of that. I will get that soon! Here is the new tree!
We still have our gingerbread is in the kitchen in our new house. Decorating was a nightmare this year since nothing from the old house really worked as well here. Lots of moving stuff around!

Santa is still above the mantle. The stocking holders have crashed, the cord keeps dangling, but it is there! Eggnog, our Elf, that reports directly to Santa has arrived! He's been quite naughty this year. He has sprinkled Chocolate Chips all over Carson's room. He wrapped the half bath in toilet paper.

He got into the Village and got snow all over the floor.

This morning, we found him in a bath of mini marshmellows. He's a handful!

We had a visit with Santa...I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this Santa picture! Carson and Cade were so excited to talk with Santa and told him what they wanted and how naughty Eggnog has been. Cannon, not so much.

We saw the big tree down at The Waterway after dinner out, post Santa visit! Funny side note here...we used the Valet to park the car that night because it was cold and we didn't want to walk far with the boys. Carson and Cade were SO CONFUSED as to why we were leaving the car running and some stranger was taking off in it.

We've cheered on the 'Horns!

We tried to get a pic of the boys by the usual, one didn't cooperate.
And the two big boys in front of the tree.

Carson had pajama day at school.
And carolling day at school, where he wore Cade's elf hat...however, he had serious doubts about wearing this because he said that he looked like "Jalapeno Boy!". SO FUNNY, that one...

We had friends over and built Gingerbread houses. Cannon mostly just ate the supplies and wreaked havoc on all of us.

NOTE TO SELF - Buy pre-built houses next year. These things are a pain to put together. Notice the Mommies doing all the grunt work here.

Working hard on decorating!

Carson and Cade's finished projects!
Two monkies with their houses (after I spent 1.5 hours cleaning up the mess!!).We are so excited and ready for Santa!! Can you see why I am a tad bit behind on the blog? Throw in work, shopping, wrapping, parties and more..this past month has been a blur.

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