Thursday, September 17, 2009

Quick Update!

I have not updated in a while and we have been BUSY! However, I really don't have many pictures to show for it!!

In a nutshell - we'll start with Carson. He is playing T-Ball this Fall. Matt is coaching his team and so far, it's going great! He is on the Cardinals.

He has a new best friend in his class, Jack. Jack also ended up being on his T-Ball team and they are both beyond excited! He's a cute kid and I think Carson did a good job picking this friend! He also has an old friend from last t-ball season on his team and another little boy from his class as well, so life is good for Carson!! He also has a girlfriend, Ella. Yesterday, she told him that they are getting married. My work here is done! ;-) They are in the same literacy center at school and I'm not really sure how this relationship developed so quickly, but he came home on the second day of school, declared her his girlfriend and hasn't changed his mind yet.

They have a Green, Yellow, Red system at school and if you are super spectacular, you can get on blue. He got on Blue one day and you would have thought that he won the lottery!! He also got on Yellow one day and got off the bus with alligator tears. Apparently, some other boys started pelting Carson and Jack with puzzle pieces during center time and they pelted back, and got caught by Mrs. Swackhamer. It hasn't happened since! That system must work, because yellow is pretty bad in his book!! I asked him what he had to do to get on blue and he said, "Be nice to your friends, Be Quiet, you know, super hard stuff!". Love it!!

Ahhh, Cade!

Oh, that boy! I love him to pieces, but he's a mess!! A sweet mess, but still a mess!! He is playing K-Ball for the first time and is FIRED UP about it. I'm not so sure that this was the best move on our part though to sign him up. He is just super immature and the youngest one on his team by a good year. There are some die-hards out there, and well, he's not one of them!! We're going with it though and praying for patience. I took him to his first practice on Monday and had to take Cannon along as well. NIGHTMARE. At one point, they were supposed to be running around the soccer goal. He ran through it, got tangled up and lost a shoe. If I could have been on top of him, things might have gone better, but I was too busy trying to keep Cannon out of the other players' bat bags. AHHHH! We lost a glove and got a talking to after practice about listening to the coach. Whatever...he thinks he is doing great and that is all that matters!

A couple of Cade funnies. Every night, I always ask the boys the high point and low point of their day. We've done this for ages. Anyway, right now, his low point every day is naptime!! He HATES that he has to take a nap at school. "I hate naps! I'm not tired! It takes TOO LONG! Can you talk to my teacher and tell her that it takes to long? I can't be quiet for that long!" And so on...quite funny and if the worst part of his day is naptime, I'd call it a good day. Also, in case you missed it on facebook....the boys were talking the other day and one of them said "stupid", which is a bad word to them and in our house. Anyway, Cade says to Carson, "I like bad words. Do you, or am I just crazy?". I about peed my pants and had to walk out of the room because I surely don't want to let him know that I THINK it is funny!

Cannon. Cannon the Terrible at the moment!! He's adorable, but a handfull and a half! He currently loves going into the half bath, grabbing the toilet paper and running with it. He also likes to pound the toilet paper holder on the tile. Look at him squinting his eyes here because it is so loud.

Twice this week, he has gone upstairs on his own, crawled up on my desk, thrown off all of the CD's from the container and taken the phone off of the hook. I had a lovely picture of it, but accidentally deleted it. He gets into the most trouble while I am trying to get dinner together.

We went to Austin last weekend with all of Matt's family. It rained the ENTIRE time!! I had planned to have lots of pics of the boys playing golf, swimming and we had planned family pics as well. None of that panned out! Anyway, Cannon did eat a ton of junk food and here he is having chee-toes on the way home! Good times!

On a side note, the boys are SO into Star Wars right now. Not sure why, but they are!! They love the lego sets. WHY would anyone make pieces this small?? Am I really supposed to keep up with these? Carson gave me strict instructions not to lose these pieces. Really.As for what we will be up to? T-Ball. We have one open week night between now and mid-November. Seriously. They both have their first games in a week and they are at the SAME time! I am so heartbroken over this. Matt will have to miss Cade's first ever game because he is Cade's coach. I guess this will be the first of many times that we will have to divide an conquer or miss stuff, but it still makes me so sad!! If you need us, you can find us on a ball field!!

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