Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cade's 5th Birthday

I can't believe that my little bean is 5!!  This boy literally keeps us laughing around here.  He has a heart of gold, hilarious sense of humor and the attention span of a flea!  Sweet Cade!!

Ahhh, I guess that I should start with the birthday party that wasn't!  Angie and I had planned months ago to do a joint roller skating party with Cade and Arden.  Cade told me from the beginning that he didn't want to to go skating.  I should have listened to him!  However, he had never been skating, so I figured that if he went, he would change his mind.  So, I took off one afternoon to take Cade and Carson skating.  Disaster.  Neither one of them will be olympic speed skaters, and I can say that with 100% certainty!  Cade couldn't stay up right, Carson was crying....awful.  About an hour into this, Cade says, "Can you just call of my friends and tell them to come bowling instead?".  Broke my heart!  So, I got on the phone that afternoon and cancelled the skating party and booked the bowling party.

Luckily, Main Event had an opening the weekend before and we were able to go ahead and book that.  The boys had a blast bowling.  Here is the birthday boy!

And Cannon bowling with Poppy.

Dylan had a blast!!

After an hour or so of that, we moved on to the party room for pizza and cake.

A picture of the Star Wars Cake...guess who picked this one out all by himself?

All of his friends came and celebrated with him!  He had a blast!

After the pizza and cake, it was game time!  All of the kids got a game card to use on the 2 billion games they have there.  I think that might have been the biggest hit of the party!  Cade obviously enjoyed himself...he is a video game junky!!

Cannon was a handful, as usual.

Carson got to invite a friend, and guess who he picked?  His BFF, Jack!  They have so much fun together and are really good boys!

Cade, being Cade.

Ahh, and skee ball!  My personal fave!

Cade had asked weeks before if Ryan could come spend the night after his party.  Luckily, when we moved party weekends, that worked out!  He was so thrilled to have his pal come over for the night.  A couple of pics of them jumping off of the playhouse, what else?

Here he is on his real birthday!!  His birthday fell during the week, so I let him play hooky from school.  Unfortunately, I had to go into work for a bit that day.  He was thrilled to come along with me and had a blast at my office.  He actually behaved himself pretty much too!!  We left there around 11, picked up Carson, grabbed lunch and headed to see Toy Story 3 at the theater.  For dinner, he wanted to cook pizza for us.  He is so into cooking lately!  If I am in the kitchen, he's right there with me, asking for a job.

He also requested that we make brownies for his birthday.  So, we made brownies!
Remember that little issue we have about not being able to blow out our own candles in this family?  Notice Cade blocking Cannon's mouth. (Yes, Cannon is naked.  He was working on potty training and insisted on being totally naked at home....whatever works, right?).

And, the big gift!  A new, big boy bike!!  He had pretty much out grown his other one and needed one a size up.  He's becoming a pro on it!  If the weather would get cooler, we could get those training wheels off!!  He needs a little more practice still though.

Happy Birthday, big 5 Year old!!  We love you to pieces!!

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