Monday, October 13, 2008

Busy October

We have had so much going on! Here a few random pictures over the last couple of weeks.

Fall ball is finally gearing up, after the Hurricane really derailed a lot of the plans! Carson's team is "The Knights", and they are actually pretty good! It was so fun to watch them play last Sunday and not get railroaded like they did in the spring. I guess that is the beauty of the draft and knowing which kids to try and pick up!

Here is Carson on his way to his first practice.

And after his first game on Sunday.

Not much new to report on Cade. He has just been busy being his usual crazy self, and looking cute doing it!

Here he is on the porch...he wanted me to take his picture since I was trying to get one of Carson on the way to practice.

And Cade hiding in the cabinet, after he pulled everything out of it, of course.In this picture, the boys claimed to be playing "library". I've never seen a mess this big in a library, but hey, they were having fun and not fighting!

Cannon will be 7 months tomorrow!! I CAN'T believe it! He now has two teeth...

And is trying his hardest to crawl! He gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth so fast...I'm actually quite scared of how quickly he's going to take off when he finally gets the coordination going. My days are numbered...

Matt and I went to his class reunion on Saturday night and had a blast! It was so fun to see everyone and catch up. If you want the full story and pictures...go check them out on facebook. Good times!!
We hope that everyone is having a great fall! It sure has been action packed for us this far!

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