Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Herding Cats

Matt always has this saying, "It's like herding cats..." whenever something is difficult. Well, I finally "get" that saying. I believe that it would be easier to herd cats than to take a picture of all three boys with them smiling and being adorable at the same time. It's a joke! What did people do before digital cameras? Spend thousands on film? Just not take any pictures of their kids? I guess that explains a lot of those "random" shots you see in peoples' wedding videos. I seriously don't know how photographers do it. These are my OWN kids, you would think that I could get a few pictures here and there, but not so much! Here are my best efforts to get pics of the boys in their matching pj's. Cannon is offically in a size 12 months so for a short time, I can buy all of their clothes in the same department. Though, Carson is just about into the "big boy" sizes. No more toddlers for him....he's too stinkin' tall now. Anywho...my stab at getting matching pics of them just didn't turn out as I had planned.

This was the best one in this set of jammies. (BTW, thanks Grammy! We love our spider jams!).
This one almost worked.
And we had to try for another shot in these jammies now that Cannon has a matching set too (samey, samey!!). Could Carson and Cade look any happier?
Is screaming the same as smiling? Apparently Cade things so.

Really, look at the enthusiasum on Cannon's face and the discontent on the other two!

They have obviously lost focus.

Who knows a good photographer that would like to come take our Christmas Card picture? I bet that they will be lined up out front!

In other news....Carson's new BFF, Hayden and his older brothers have tought him where the BIG ditch is in the neighborhood and it is GREAT fun to ride your two wheel bike down it. I had visions of Cara and I going down a blue/black when we were skiing in Breckenridge. Not pretty. He had a few wrecks, but has now mastered that trick and I'm just praying that he doesn't teach Cade how to do that anytime soon! Who am I? I was that mom running down the ditch and helping Carson master it so that he could keep up with the big kids. So unsafe, and SO not like me! I will probably never get a picture of that b/c there is no time and no spare hands available!

Cannon finally had his 6 month checkup. We had to reschedule b/c he turned 6 months during the hurricane. He weighs in now at 20lbs 2oz (90th%) and he is in the 50% for height! WHOO HOO!! He's so cute though and so sweet.

Cade is just, well Cade. He has a friend at school that apparently pees in his pants and I can't tell you how proud he is that it is this friend and "it's NOT ME! I didn't do it! I big now!". I don't know how preschool teachers do it. Mrs. King LOVES these kids too! There is a special place in heaven for her!

As for us, we're kind of trying to figure out if our house is going to sell. Right now, we're screwed it if sells, we're screwed if it doesn't! Either way isn't going to be easy. We know that God has a plan for us, we're just wishing that he'd let us in on what it is! ;-) I'm not a go with the flow kind of girl and I spent March - August in limbo, now I've got a plan and my ducks are in a row, and this hurricane hits and we get interested people in our house. What's that about?

1 comment:

The London's said...

They are soo cute! I can see the troublemakers are teaching Cannon early...lol! I love the matching pj's. I can't even begin to imagine the adventures at your house!