Thursday, July 30, 2009

Grammy's Big Birthday and Fun around the house

Guess what? I am finally downloading pics and updating our blog!! You want to know how I have time to do this, two days before Cade's birthday party? I have a MAID coming tomorrow...actually, an entire team of them!! It has been 10 weeks since we have had professional cleaning help around here, but who is counting? I am SO EXCITED to not be mopping my floors right now or cleaning bathrooms! So, I've got a few mounds of laundry to work on, but those can wait!
First of all, we celebrated Grammy's birthday back on July 12th. We had so much fun since we were all together for it this year!!Grammy just loves all of her boys!!

We had to purchase a new waterslide. GRRRR! Ours decided to crap out right after I had sent out Cade's party invitations. I was so mad!! The boys are thrilled though....I got a different kind and it shoots water out of a cannon...not sure that was a great idea! This picture sums it all up...Cade coming down, Carson shooting him and Cannon SNEAKING into the pool with his clothes on!!
Love Cade's expression here!

The boys going down like a train...
This just has disaster written all over it!
Check out Carson's arms! Okay, it is partly shadows, but the kid is ripped.

I got to sneak away for a much needed girls' weekend to Dallas. Thorsen and Scott have an awesome new home with a POOL! Katy and I kept saying that we felt like we were at a resort...reading a magazine by the pool was something that I haven't been about to do in a LONG time.I was watering in the front yard the other night, which Cannon LOVES!! He freaks whenever the hose is out.And gets so mad when the water gets turned off!!Cannon is such a litte toot these days!! Very much into throwing temper tantrums...actually, he'll throw just about anything!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the kids are cute!!!!!
Happy Birthday!!!
Flor (