Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cannon's 1st Haircut

Awww, how sad is this? He is officially a big boy now!! I was pretty torn up over this little milestone! However, he had quite the baby mullet going, as his hair has been slow to come in. So, we just had to trim it up (which means the curls are gone!) and even it out a bit.

Here he is, ready to go!

Things started out quite calmly, with the help of sucker.

Going okay (good bye baby hair....)

But they quickly turned south!

All done, getting cleaned up and still really hacked off!
He's out of there...still has tears! Check out this look he is giving me!
Oh, and now his big boy cut. SO SAD, but he's so stinkin' cute!

Big brothers got a trim too. Carson and I compromised on his. We've been working on growing his out all summer, and it's hard! That boy has some crazy, funky hair!! We cut it short enough to spike it up a bit and make it crazy, which makes Carson crazy happy. We didn't cut off that part at his crown that was next to impossible to get long enough so that he doesn't look like he has a sprout up there 24-7. Cute, huh?
Cade got a trim too! He looks so clean and little boyish now....I'm secretly missing the surfer look though and we'll be probably growing that out! Everytime we get it long and go in for a trim, they wack it all off!

1 comment:

Jill Smythe-Shaw said...

such big boys with adorable hair cuts! =)