Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Break 2010

So, we managed to all escape from work and baseball for a couple of days and actually enjoy Spring Break.  For me, this is quite tricky since I am a CPA and this is our busiest time of year.  Luckily, things were somewhat under control, so we sped off (okay, not really....) down south on Thursday afternoon for Galveston.  About 5 hours later (not kidding....), we arrived.  HOLY SMOKES.  The Woodlands is far from the far west end of Galveston, add in lunch stops and grocery stops and all of the other drama with multiple kids in multiple vehicles....GOOD LAWD.  My little man was dressed, had his backpack and was ready TO GO!  Notice that finger in the mouth...we have since broken that habit and I couldn't be happier about it!!
SO, we finally made it down there and it is COLD. Really cold.  Luckily,we had sunshine for Thursday evening and Friday.  The Blakes came down with us on Thursday.  Here is Cade dining with his favorite lady friends.
Friday at the beach was chilly, but the kids didn't mind.  How adorable is the little man?

Cade never ceases to amaze me with his stellar judgement.  Sand angels, anyone?  Anyone?

What about this?  Has anyone seen my child?

Oh, I see him now.  There he is! That tiny spec, but he is totally lost in glare of Parker's hat!

Speaking of the Koza boys' hats...aren't these lovely?  I gave Cara a hard time about them at first, but after frantically looking for kids heads, over and over, I realized that she might be on to something!
Cara and her sweet little guys (look past the orange hats and you will see her!).
Having fun on the beach!

Unfortunately, that was the end of our fun on the beach.  It got even colder.  And rained.  ALL DAY on Saturday!!  The kids enjoying breakfast inside.
What else did they have to do besides see how many could fit in a basket at once?

Luckily, we only had one "man down" of the weekend, and it turned out to be okay.  Ryan sliced his foot pretty good and it looked like it needed stitches, but it turned out, he didn't.  Whew!

Patick in his stylin' sweater.

Ahh, and my favorite pic of all!!  CLEAN boys, ready for bed, all with their mohawks!

So, the weather sucked.  Such is spring break in Texas!  We had a great time with our friends and wouldn't trade it for the world!!

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