Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Snow Day!

Okay, it wasn't MUCH of a snow day here in The Woodlands, but we still got some of the white stuff!! Like the non-snow seeing Texan that I am, I loaded up on goodies at the grocery store, kept the little guys out of school all day, picked Carson up at lunch time and then headed home for the blizzard. SO, it didn't stick here, but it was as cold as all get out and we still had a great time enjoying the bit that we got!

This was Cannon's first official snow. He was sleeping when it hit last year. He was sort of impressed!

I love this picture of him looking up at the snow coming down. Sweetness!

Cade, the official Mitchell family weather man, was pretty impressed! This kid loves to watch the weather and tells us each day if it is going to rain or not.

Cade with a couple of flakes in his blonde mop.

Carson running in the snow.

Carson catching flakes (the biggest bit of snow fell while the little guys were napping, so Carson enjoyed it solo).

Then, for the big finale, cookies!

So much for Global warming, Al Gore! It has snowed in Texas 3 of the last 5 years. Impressive!

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