Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bluebonnets, SNAKE and the Easter Bunny

First things first, I took the boys to the bluebonnet patch up here in The Woodlands last weekend, luckily we didn't find any snakes there! The boys were typical boys while I was trying to get their pictures...running around, and not cooperating.

This is the best picture that I got of the three of them. Did I mention that the bluebonnets appeared to be past their prime?

I tried to get some of them individually. Cade making his silly face...
Cannon was only a couple of weeks old last year when we did this...hard to believe that he could just walk through them this year!

Sweet Cannon!

Carson would have rather spent his time taking pictures of us than smiling for me, as seen in this expression.

He also didn't listen to my threats about not sliding in the grass in his linen pants. I go through a lot of oxy clean!! Every pair of pants that he owns too is ripped out in the left knee from him sliding in them. I refuse to buy's almost summer!! He just looks like white trash when he wears them for now.

Carson kept pestering me about taking pictures to I let him, and he actually got us centered in this! I was shocked when I went to download and there were actually pictures of me in there!! Had I known, I might have spent more time trying to get Cannon to look at the camera.

A few of my favorites! This one of Cade and Cannon is so sweet!! I hardly ever have pictures of those two because they are normally the least cooperative.And this one of Cannon griping and the other two wrestling in the background.In other news, we got the ride on cars out of storage...FINALLY. Carson has really gotten too heavy for the little cars and they won't go very fast with him anymore.

He's been really good at driving Cannon around in the gator.

OKAY - I hate snakes!! We were going on a family walk this am and came across this! It was dead, thank GOD. Some other people had stretched it out on this for everyone to see. Then, they were all kind enough to tell me how many they had found in their yards for the last week and such. YIKES. I'm a little freaked by all of the critters up here!! My boys are always digging in the flower beds and such and I'm terrified they will come across one of these.Lastly, we visited the Easter Bunny today! Aren't they just too stinkin' cute? All of them? They were so good, even after waiting in a long line.

Have a great week!!

1 comment:

The London's said...

Those are soo good! You have three of the cutest kids ever...and lots of adventures with them. I love the one of Cannon and sweet!