Friday, March 6, 2009

It's good to be #3!

Well, Cannon just lucked out on the birth order around here. He's getting to enjoy all sorts of good stuff that I wouldn't have let fly with the other two. He'll probably be getting away with murder for the rest of his life because the other two will have already beaten me down on everything.
Here is my sweet pea enjoying a popsicle outside.

And sharing some ice cream with Carson (they are eating it at the same time off of the same spoon). He will yell and scream at the big boys if they are eating something that he wants and they won't share with him. Carson almost always shares. Cade, it's hit or miss with that one!

Cannon is getting so big! Check out the blue eyes in this one...He is absolutely adorable, if I do say so myself!
He loves playing outside!And loves going down the little slide...
He is getting better and better at walking every day. It helps that he has a lot of willing helpers!Here he comes on his own!

Carson's class has been learning about space this week. Here are Carson and Cade as astronauts. Carson's teacher is so sweet and made one for Cade too when we went over there today.Cade, poor Cade! We had round two of his allergy testing done today. NOT FUN. I had to numb up his back before we went and cover him in saran wrap. He was a good sport about that!They poked and poked his back and he was SCREAMING in pain. It was awful for him and I was about to cry because I felt so bad for him. I won't even bother listing what all he allergic's just easier probably to say what he isn't allergic to. Poor guy!
He is probably going to start getting injections in a few weeks. We're going to let him try to forget about today's visit for a while before going back in there. Unfortunately, he isn't a candidate for the allergy drops because his allergies are so severe. I have to take him in for a cat scan next week to check his sinuses. That should be a blast. He has to be completely still for 10 seconds. I've never seen him do that and not quite sure that it is possible. And, even MORE fun is that we get to completely eliminate corn from his diet for 2 full weeks. That means nothing with corn syrup in it either. I'm not sure how many labels you have read lately, but it's in everything from juice to cereal. I'm going to have to do some heavy preparation for that and just get meals and snacks lined out for him.
Here is Cade, being Cade. Things were too quiet and I went in my bedroom to find an entire newspaper covering the floor in my bathroom. He was sitting on the potty, going through the paper.

And another one of Cade being Cade. His hair has gotten so long that I have started blowing it dry with my round brush. Matt and I both love it and don't want to cut it. He does need a slight trim though and I have got to get both boys in this weekend for that!
Carson has opening day out at ORWALL tomorrow, so I'm sure that my next post will be full of pictures of our baseball star. He's so excited!!

1 comment:

Ángela said...

Te felicito tienes una hermosa familia