Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Awwww! He speaks!

Cannon has a word! AND, it is the most wonderful first word that a baby can speak!!! "Mama!". I am so excited and it totally warms my heart every single time he says it (remind me of that when he is 4 1/2 and talking back). Anyway, he's been babbling up a storm for a while, but I really think that this is the real thing! He says it when I walk into a room and he holds his arms up for me to get him. I was telling Matt about it and he of course didn't believe me...until all the boys were playing on the floor in the game room and Cannon was crawling/scooting over to me saying "mama, mama, mama!" while trying to get to me. I'm totally counting it as his first word and I am so proud!
Here is Cannon looking so cute after dinner last night...
And a silly smile in his swing...check out those blue eyes!

The other two boys have been playing t-ball really well together in the evenings (tonight NOT included...had a huge fight and had to pack it up early to spare the neighbors from the screaming). Here is Carson showing Cade how to line up the ball and bat.
And Carson wearing the catcher's gear, which he would never wear during a game (not sure why, but he pretty much refuses), but it is essential for backyard baseball.
And Cade batting.
I know it is just how it is with siblings, and having a sister myself, you would think that I would be used to it! However, I just don't know how they can be so incredibly sweet to each other one minute and beating the heck out each other another. I really do enjoy those sweet moments and am so happy that our boys are close enough in age to truly be best friends!

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