Well, first off in the line of fun, I took Cade in for a new round of allergy testing yesterday. This poor little guy is having a tough time! We have got to get to the bottom of what is causing this and making him so sick, so that we can avoid it. Anyway, they did the back prick test where they stuck him with four pannels of needles and waited to see how he reacted. Well, see for yourself:
AWFUL. Dogs and Cats are off the chart with him. Everything is ranked from 0 - 4. Those where well above the 4...so big that they were running together. No pets for the Mitchell house anytime soon!! Ragweed was another huge one, as well as Oak, Ash and Pecan trees (yeah, we just moved to The Woodlands...great). We also have a new food allergy: Corn. I didn't know that he had that food allergy, so we're now learning how to avoid corn and it, like egg, is in everything. The corn was his lowest registered allergy - 3. The grasses all registered in the 4 range too. So, we know why he has been so miserable. We obviously, can't keep him away from trees and grass, all of the time, but we are doing all that we can to avoid the pets and food allergies. I am meeting back with the allergist next week to come up with a game plan and to see if we need to do more testing.
In other news, T-Ball is gearing up here at ORWALL. Matt and I were going to try to skate this year, since we are new to the area, have 3 boys under 5, it is tax season for me, Matt volunteers at the rodeo non stop in Feb/March, Aunt Jen is getting married, and well, we're freakin' busy! NO such luck. Apparently, there were too many kids, they formed more teams and now Matt is the official coach. I tried to pawn off this team mom job, but there were no takers, so GUESS WHO is in charge? I had to go to a meeting last night to get the low-down on it all and Carson said to me, "Why do you have to go to a team mom meeting? To learn how to pass out snacks?". That's going down in the history books for him! Snacks, my A$$! I just spent almost an hour and a half drafting an email to send out with forms, dates, and everything else you can imagine. NUTTY. On top of that, I had to take Cannon to the doctor on Monday...double ear infection. Carson played sick yesterday and I took him to the pediatrician, only to feel like a fool. He's fine! Then Cade's allergy test. Oh, and I have a "real" job too, that is kind of demanding this time of year. STRESS.
Today, we worked on making some valentine's gifts for the boys' teachers...nothing big, but something to show that we aren't slackers. I kept hearing all of my friends talking about these great crafts they were making, so I had to do something! We made these chocolate dipped spoons for coffee and wrapped them up nice and cute. Here is a work in progress:
And my two cute helpers, yes, we moved on to dipping pretzels (okay, and strawberries too.).
Here is Cannon in Matt's cowboy hat the other night.
And a couple of pictures of my little stinkers before putting all three of them to bed at 7:00 tonight! They were being downright awful after no naps today (and maybe a tad bit too much sugar) and I had that team mom thing to deal with (and Matt has a rodeo meeting and Nilza is sick).
This picture makes me smile! Cannon loves to crawl on the bottom trundle bed and lay on the pillow whenever it is out. He SO wants to be a big boy!! Not much longer...